Saturday 11 February 2012

Apple iPad 3, Better Than Ever?

Technology News - iPad 3, Will it be bigger and better?

Apple's iPad 3 is said to include a higher-resolution display, faster processor and bigger battery, that is of course according to the latest rumors.

Apple’s iPad franchise might dominate the tablet market at the moment even with many other contenders, but it nonetheless faces some significant threats in 2012. 

Among them is Windows 8 on tablets, which could arrive sometime late in the year. Microsoft and its hardware partners will surely devote considerable marketing muscle to the upcoming operating system, creating the sort of united front that has thus far eluded the various Android manufacturers who flooded the tablet ecosystem with tablets in 2011.

What will Apple do to counter those threats and maintain its considerable market lead? Release a new iPad, of course.

According to a much-circulated AllThingsD report, the company will unveil that next-generation tablet in early March, at a high-profile event in San Francisco. “No word yet on a street date for the iPad 3 (assuming that’s what it’s called),” noted the Feb. 9 report, which relied on the ever-popular unnamed sources.

Apple traditionally keeps details of its upcoming products a closely guarded secret. However, based on reports over the past few months, it’s safe to assume the iPad 3 will include at least a few of the following features:.....READ MORE HERE